Rss Not Just Good, But Good For You
The two primary dynamics at work with Real Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds are true subscribers and those who skim for specific content.
True subscribers are those that wish to read new content from your site or new content specifically created by an individual writer.
Specific content subscribers want information on a specific topic. RSS feeds can skim to locate topics that are compatible with the subscriber’s preference settings regardless of original writer.
RSS readers are available for less than $30 and in some cases may be free with certain existing software and browser applications.
If you have an RSS feed you make available to site visitors you may wish to invest in an RSS tracker. This application can help you analyze some of the stats related to those who may be subscribing to your RSS feed. Unlike email lists you will not be able to track who is accepting an RSS feed, but you will have access to other valuable information that may help you accelerate desired content and slim down on information the seems less preferred by online visitors. Two common RSS analytical tools are Silverpop and FeedBurner.
The use of inbound blog links can be helpful to the overall success of your RSS feed simply because as you pull information from other sites that information may be picked up in an RSS feed that may direct visitors to your site. These typically will be visitors that would not have known about your site previous to finding good information through your RSS feed which is why this is an excellent marketing tool.
The use of podcasts and video streams are another positive component to RSS feeds. If you produce a regular podcast or supply streaming video presentations this type of on-demand audio and video play well in an online world where immediacy is king.
RSS feeds can facilitate the complete download of podcasts so that when a subscriber logs in all they essentially have to do is hit their online play button.
If you have an affiliate marketing program and have significant affiliate you might suggest the affiliates sign up for RSS feeds so they can have the most immediate access to new information about products or selling points.
RSS feeds have an incredible amount of marketing potential, but like most online marketing strategies it is meaningless unless you take the time to learn more about the possibilities and how to implement them to the greatest benefit of your online business.
One of the most positive aspects of RSS feeds is that it can be as useful to entertainment marketers as it is to financial gurus and every entrepreneurial effort in between. The technology is the same, but the applications may be different. In all cases, the privacy of signing up for an RSS feed make it a positive for the consumer while remaining a positive for the marketer because while allowing customer confidentiality it also invites them to fully explore as much information as they want. And when they’re ready, they will buy.